Sunday, November 16, 2014

Experiment 2 Final Submission: Life After People

Final Video

My Strategic Statement

For Experiment 2 we were to show a life after people and pick and design one of the following structures that we were given.  I chose the Church of light because that gave the most inspiration in regards to this project.  Doing this project unfortunately i came across various errors and was not fully able to properly design it in 3ds max.  As for my island i chose my island from experiment 1 and edited to the best of my ability to fit the criteria for assignment 2. 

As for the assignment I tried to display my scenario as a meteor that would hit the earth and that would wipe out civilization as we know it. Afterwards I tried to display the decay of the earth after 100 years.

Final 5 Images

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5

Exp 2: Week 6 Independant Study

Draft Of Church 

Top Section Of Church
Side View Of Church
Interior Of Church

Week 6: Lecture Reflection

I was unfortunately UNABLE TO ATTEND today's lecture but as i browsed through the lecture notes available online i would say that where was a discussing with materials and we were shown different materials and its decay. 

Exp 2: Week 5 Independant Study

5 Movie Trailers Of Inspiration

The Dark Knight Rises (2012):  I chose this film because of the scene that are shown in the trailer all try to elude that tough times are coming and there's a good transition between each scene on how it starts of slowly and it gets faster and faster trying to get the audience into it. 

The Day After Tomorrow (2006): I chose this film because it gives an idea of a massive disaster approaching us and mankind might  never be the same again. Along with the screenplay the soundtrack and atmosphere makes this a great trailer to watch. 

The Fast and Furious 7 (2015):
I chose this as one of my films because it shows a lot of destruction and screen play along with the soundtrack gives it a good combination for a movie trailer well made.

Inception (2010): The soundtrack is absolutely incredible in this, it keeps the viewer wanting to see more.  Along with the changes in light and dark scenes are well utilized along with the atmosphere and screening makes this trailer an absolute joy to watch.

Life After People (2009): I chose this trailer as it has a very strong resemblance to what we have to do in our project. Its practically showing how life would be after humans were not gone.  I liked this quite a bit cause it shows how the structures are decaying and no life form anywhere to be seen.

Week 5: Lecture Reflection

I was unfortunately UNABLE TO ATTEND today's lecture, but as i browsed through the lecture available online one would say that we were shown movie trailers and I'm guessing to show resemblance they may have towards our project.

Exp 2: Week 4 Independant Study

3 Pictures Of Inspiration

Week 4: Lecture Reflection

In this weeks lecture we were shown several different videos of destruction both man made and or naturally. We saw buildings collapsing and their outlook over time, the idea behind us viewing these videos were surely to give us a better understanding of how these things happen and allow us to replicate this in experiment 2.

Exp 2: Week 3 Independant Study

Week 3: Lecture Reflection

There was NO LECTURES today.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Exp 2: Week 2 Independant Study

3 Selected Materials

Concrete is a composite material composed mainly of water, aggregate and cement. When these ingredients are mixed together, they form a fluid mass that is easily molded into shape.  Over time, the cement forms a hard durable material with many uses.  Concrete is extremely beneficial to us, in not only one way in several ways such a roads, buildings, structures, practically its everywhere.  Modern buildings are usually engineered to last 70 plus years.

Picture Link:


 Glass is a solid material which is usually transparent and the usage of glass in things such as doors, windows, mirrors, cups, plates. Glass is a very useful material but at the same time very fragile and lack of temperature control. Glass has been very helpful to us allowing our buildings to get natural sunlight.  All up it’s a very helpful material in our livelihood. 

Picture Link:


Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon that is widely used in construction and because of its high tensile strength and low in cost. Steel much like concrete is long lasting and resilient.   Steel again like glass a concrete is a very useful material to us for building structures. The benefit of steel is that it is very cost effective an is very helpful material in our livelihood.

Picture Link:

Week 2: Lecture Reflection

In this weeks lecture we were shown work of students from the past.  We also discussed different kinds of materials and how they are used in the world we live in today. Along with that we were shown how concrete is made and how they are formed. This was particularly interesting to me because i got a better understanding of the process.

Exp 2: Week 1 Independant Study

3 Selected Buildings

21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, SANAA

The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa is located in Japan.   The museum is located in the heart of Kanazawa and the aim of the building is in a shape which keeps the overall appearance of the volume of the building.  The building includes community gathering spaces, such as lecture halls, library and children’s workshop. 

Picture Link:,_Kanazawa011.jpg


 Brazilian Museum of Sculpture

The Brazilian Museum of Sculpture, designed by Paulo Mendes da Rocha, The site is a 75,000 square foot triangular area. It’s located in São Paulo, Brazil. Instead of creating a free-standing building, the museum and the landscape are treated as a whole. Large concrete slabs create partly underground internal spaces and also form an exterior plaza with water pools. 

Sao Paulo Museum of contemporary Art

The Sao Paulo Museum of Art is also located in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The main body is supported by two lateral beams over 74 meters freestanding space. Its considered a landmark of the city and a main symbol of modern Brazilian Architecture.  The interior of the building is quite spacious and the museum was inaugurated in 1968. It’s quite amazing on how the beams hold up this 74 meter astonishing structure.
Picture Link:

Week 1: Lecture Reflection

In this weeks lecture we were introduced to what is expected from experiment 2 and the marking criteria.  We were shown the 6 buildings in which we had to select 1 for the following project and show its decays.  Along with that we were shown previous years work.  I really enjoyed the history of behind these buildings and look forward to doing this project.