Sunday, November 16, 2014

Experiment 2 Final Submission: Life After People

Final Video

My Strategic Statement

For Experiment 2 we were to show a life after people and pick and design one of the following structures that we were given.  I chose the Church of light because that gave the most inspiration in regards to this project.  Doing this project unfortunately i came across various errors and was not fully able to properly design it in 3ds max.  As for my island i chose my island from experiment 1 and edited to the best of my ability to fit the criteria for assignment 2. 

As for the assignment I tried to display my scenario as a meteor that would hit the earth and that would wipe out civilization as we know it. Afterwards I tried to display the decay of the earth after 100 years.

Final 5 Images

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5

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