Monday, August 4, 2014

Week 1: Independent Study

5 Thing learned about the Sandbox Folder 

1. It is recommended that you use 64bit if you computer allows you to for best possible results.

2. File> Generated Surface Textures will export the terrain.

3. The tools folder contains several plugins for all your programs.

4. Track View folder allows you to see a more cinematic function where you can view your cameras.

5. .Pak files is what contains the whole game.

View Ports: 3 Tips for Navigating in Crysis 

1. W= Forward, A= Left, S= Back. D= Left

2. Alt + Scroll Click= Orbit and Control G= To go into game mode

3. Go to Position and copy and past
  Ctrl + fl= Saves Position
  Shift + fl= Move camera to position saved fl

User Interface Panel: 5 Tips

1. Snap to grid allows you to have a more symmetrical layout

2. Ctrl + C= Copy of the object which has been selected

3. Ctrl + E= Regenerating the level

4. Ctrl  + M= Will take you to the materials Folder

5. Lock Selection Allows you to work off the object which is currently selected.

Tips on Customizing the Editor: 5 Tips

1. You can chose the time of day that you want allowing you to get different shadows throughout the day. In this feature you can also change the weather type, which can be helpful, say for example if you had a rainforest layout and you wanted it to be a bit rainy to give you the desired feel to the environment.

2. Dragging and dropping objects from the rollup Bar can also come in useful. Items such as trees, bushes, cars, people, rocks etc.

3. After creating your level, if you wanted some texture just to see how it looks. You could go into File> Generate Surface Texture. This allows you to see your environment with some textures, going on there are alternative methods to add textures of your choice.

4. Creating your own custom toolbar can come in handy. Sometimes finding the right tools quickly can save a lot of time in the long run.

5. Named selection allows selecting multiple objects and naming the selection.

Week 1: Lecture Reflection 

Today's lecture was for me and i would presume for everyone else was extremely interesting as we got to see different architects work and what steps they take to get to the final project.  We also learned about what this subject has to offer and saw previous students work from the past few year. I  am extremely excited to start using crysis for our first project "The Island" in developing a place of imagination and innovation.

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