Monday, August 18, 2014

Week 3: Independent Study

5 Reference Images of Landscapes

Claude Lorrain
Picture Link:

William Gilpin

Capability Brown

Humphrey Repton
Picture Link:

JMW Turner
Picture Link:

William Gilpin

This image from William Giplin I have chosen to incorporate into my island.  A beach island full of rocks and rough pathways.

Just an image from my island showing my progress towards Assignment 1.

Week 3: Lecture Reflection

In this weeks Lecture we discussed picturesque, really thinking about the islands vegetation including trees,grass, plants, bushes, etc. We were shown works from the people listed above which includes Claude Lorrain, William Gilpin, Capability Brown, Humphrey Repton, and JMW Turner. Other than that the example shown about vegetation in Crysis i found very helpful for me as it will allow me to do more with trees and grass as changes the sizes and the rotations. 

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